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Oracle... Script: TO_CHAR, double pipe (||)

PLSQL... Script: Gestione errori

A User Agent, like a web browser, uses HTTP to request a HTML document

In programming the danger of exploring the small details of coding is that you get obsessed with every line of code you write, thereby greatly reducing productivity.
In general, is not worth obsessing over code.
On the other hand you should code with deliberation and intent. Steven Feurstein Oracle Magazine July /August 2004

A User Agent, like a web browser, uses HTTP to request a HTML document

Shell scripting

Shell scripting eseguire controlli   [Shell scripting] 
Cheking parameters have been passed to shell file, comparing strings in if construct warming up with shell scripting  [Shell scripting] 
Function connecting to oracle getting results, executing query, verify db connection  [Shell scripting] 
Cheking mandatory parameters have been passed to shell file, comparing strings in if construct and some other basics warming up with shell scripting  [Shell scripting] 
Shell scripting passare parametri ad un programma  [Shell scripting] 
sed command example on fixing errors and adding and removing blank lines  [Unix] 
How many processor and what kind of CPU extracting info from red hat system file /proc/cpuinfo  [REDHAT] 
awk command line tutorial and examples sintax, functions, conditional constructs, text file operations  [Unix] 
Korn shell scripting If constructs AND, OR, &&, || syntax examples  [Unix] 
Estendere un logical volume e di un filesystem allocare pił storage da riga di comando su Unix Hp  [HP UX 11i] 
Executing a shell script   [Unix] 
Cercare e visualizzare file per dimensione utilizzare find e awk per file pił grandi di una certa dimensione  [Shell scripting] 
Script for archiving and compressing folder and file archive utility sample  [Shell scripting] 
Debug shell program using ksh + to check variables values and debug programs  [Shell scripting] 
Looping samples one line loops in unix ksh  [Shell scripting] 
Compact if construct alternative of "if ... then" in shell programming  [Shell scripting] 
Executing arithmetic operation in shell program using bc within script  [Shell scripting] 
Formatting text as bold withing shell script tips about making nicer unix shell scripts, the tput command  [Shell scripting] 
Determinare il numero di elementi di un array   [Shell scripting] 
How to get size or other file info in a shell script manipulating with cut or awk operative system commands output  [Shell scripting] 
Script for archiving and compressing folder and file utility example  [Shell scripting] 
Pulire i file provenienti da ambieti dos/ windoes da caratteri sporchi dos2ux, dos2unix per eliminare i control M (^M)  [Shell scripting] 
Passing parameters to shell script example sum of two numbers  [Shell scripting] 
Ciclo sul contenuto directory   [Shell scripting] 
Shell script automating oracle data pump schema export automatically export and compress database schemas in single separated dump files  [Shell scripting] 
Array in do while construct printing elements  [Shell scripting] 
Hide user input on screen parameter of read command  [Shell scripting] 
Array valorizzazione e stampa  [Shell scripting] 
if e else strutture condizionali  [Shell scripting] 
while do loop simple shell script  [Shell scripting] 
Quick wayto connect to database to run comands and script tips to emprove unix/oracle programs  [Unix] 
Get variable lenght sintax and commands and if controls on unix superdome about number of characters in a variable  [Unix] 
Export and compress dump on the fly script to reduce storage need while using exp and imp Oracle utilities  [Unix] 
Shell script extract items and looping example: issue dba statment for each db listed in oratab  [Unix] 
If contruct check if a value is null or not  [Unix] 
Script per ricavare i nomi dei db (SID) dal file oratab   [Unix] 
Criptare e decriptare openssl comando linux per nascondere stringhe da linea di comando e in shell script  [Shell scripting] 
Extracting and print string value until position represented by a char or a string shell script manipulating strings: substring and find char position  [Shell scripting] 
case construct   [Shell scripting] 
extract text by column position using cut   [Shell scripting] 
Printing today date   [Shell scripting] 
tar --xjf to decompress and extract tar.bz2 files tar parameters  [Unix] 
Archive and password protect a directory simple and quick password protection command  [Unix] 
awk add some text to a file at a certain line awk adding text to a file  [Unix] 
tar archiving and compressing folder contents tar cjvf to do both in once  [Unix] 
Remove all files older then N minutes find and rm example  [Unix] 
find and move file older then find and exec command  [Unix] 
find search and remove files on the fly deleting files for criteria such file name and time last modified   [Unix] 
Estrarre file cpio   [Unix] 
Visualizzare e ordinare i file per dimensione parametri del comando ls  [Unix] 
Getting cpu info on linux red hat   [REDHAT] 
Mining info from not human readble files getting info from oracle redolog, controlfile  [Unix] 
How to change file date fix file date   [Unix] 
Info on operative system and versioning   [Unix] 
ps and awk example: check remote oracle connections   [Unix] 
hostname e suoi attributi ricavare con hostname solo il nome della macchina  [REDHAT] 
tar command options and examples making an tar archive, list tar contents, extract  [Unix] 
find and move files on the fly   [REDHAT] 
List only file name no attributes ls command on linux red hat  [Unix] 
Checking physical and swap memory   [REDHAT] 
Ways of getting user and groups list on linux   [Unix] 
Kill all identified the processes with just one command kill, ps grep and awk in one command to kill all such processes  [Unix] 
find cercare file per intervallo di tempo utilizzare find in unix e linux per trovare file creati o modificati in determinati intervalli di tempo  [Unix] 
copy files using find and cp some tricky sintax example. Using find to copy founded files  [Unix] 
Decompress .bz2 file   [Unix] 
Find file for name and and contents in all subdirectories example using command find with grep  [Unix] 
Calcolo totale dimensione file e directory in MB,GB (o altra unitą) calcolo in MB o GB il totale dei file contenuti nella directory corrente e nelle sottodirectory  [Unix] 
uptime command days and time from last machine startup (SunOS/HP-UX)  [Unix] 
Getting final part of directory usefull unix commands  [Unix] 
Visualizzare data ultimo avvio del server HP   [HP UX 11i] 
Verificare che il server appartenga ad una subnet   [Solaris] 
ls -R visualizzare sotto directory e file  [Unix] 
tar creare archivi di file  [Unix] 
Unix shared memory ipcs  [Unix] 
Lista dei prodotti oracle installati   [Unix] 
head get file lines from the beginning  [Unix] 
ps visualizzazione processi attivi  [Unix] 
Produrre un file contenente l'output parametri dei comandi unix  [Unix] 
sort merge files content  [Unix] 
tail get last lines from files  [Unix] 
ls visualizzare pagina video per volta concatenazione con il comando more  [Unix] 
ls opzioni visualizzare file che inziano con determinato intervallo di lettere  [Unix] 
Ricervere input da utente nozioni di base programmazione shell  [Unix] 
Exit values return values from successful and unsuccefull unix shell comands  [Unix] 
Get information about the system cat /etc/nsswitch.conf   [Solaris] 
compress / uncompress file   [Unix] 
wc conta i caratteri in un file  [Unix] 
patchadd verificare patch dei cluster Sun  [Solaris] 
more visualizzare a schermate successive contenuti file testo lunghi  [Unix] 
which locate a command and display its pathname or alias  [Unix] 
netstat -rn displaying machine's routing table   [Unix] 
ls visualizzare dimensione dei file in unix il parametro h visualizza le dimensioni dei file in Kilibytes, mega etc.  [Unix] 
Verificare le dimensioni del blocco del filesystem   [Unix] 
/usr/sbin/prtconf   [Solaris] 
netstat ricavere informazioni sulla confgigurazione delle macchine, del cluster, etc.  [Unix] 
bdf blocchi liberi nei dischi  [Unix] 
Creare una directory: md   [Unix] 
remsh eseguire un programma su un altro server  [HP UX 11i] 
id verifica coordinate utente (gruppo, accesso gruppo primario)  [Unix] 
traceroute stampa il percorso dei pacchetti verso un host del network  [HP UX 11i] 
rm eliminare file  [Unix] 
du riporta spazio utilizzato  [Unix] 
ioscan visualizzazione i dischi fisici e le periferiche hardware  [Unix] 
vgdisplay visualizzazione stato dei volume group  [HP UX 11i] 
df visualizzazione spazio disponibile  [Unix] 
bdf visualizzare spazio disponibile  [HP UX 11i] 
w attivitą degli utenti  [Unix] 
env visualizzazione (e modifica) variabili dell'ambiente   [Unix] 
shutdown   [Unix] 
who determinare gli utenti connessi  [Unix] 
swlist -l patch determinare il software e le patch installate nella piattaforma  [HP UX 11i] 
getconf ricavare se si ha a disposizione un Kernel da 32-bit o 64-bit   [HP UX 11i] 
ipcs report stato dei processi  [HP UX 11i] 
uname visaulizza informazioni sul sistema operativo e la versione  [HP UX 11i] 
hostname   [HP UX 11i] 
Cancellazione di una directory rm o rmdir   [Unix] 
Cd: cambiare directory   [Unix] 
Copiare un file in un altra cartella   [Unix] 
Privilegi su file o cartella (lettura, scrittura, execuzione)   [Unix] 


Anger is creative, depression is useless.
Dyson, Freeman J.

Anger is creative, depression is useless.
Dyson, Freeman J.

Oracle... Definizioni: Scalar Subquery

fishScript.Com is accessible by Mobile access technology as mobile phones, Palm and Pocket PC .

Nicoleta e Marco Magnani tutorial, examples, courses, esempi, corsi, esercizi, appunti vari Dottoressa Nicoleta Dragu Formatrice Docente Insegnante Mediatrice Culturale Dott. Marco Magnani Universita La Sapienza Roma Master Computer Science Hunter College New York , Data Base Administrator DBA oracle System architect

Last modified: 2017-11-30 amministratore@fishscript.comNico and Marco Magnani Software Production
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